

~ Khichadi is all time favorite in many Indian homes. It is very healthy and a very delicious dish.
~ Khichdi is a dish from the Indian subcontinent made from rice and lentils, but other variations include bajra and mung dal khichdi. In Indian culture, it is considered one of the first solid foods that babies eat. Hindus, who avoid eating grains during fasting, eat Sabudana Khichadi made from sago.
~ In this article, you’ll learn how to make it at home, using the Gujarati style.

Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Passive Time: 50 minutes
Servings: people
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Print Recipe
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Passive Time: 50 minutes
Servings: people


  • 100g - Mug dal/मूंग दाल
  • 100g - Rice/चावल
  • 900g - Water/पानी
  • 10g - Salt/नमक
  • 20g - Ghee/घी
  • 1g - Turmeric powder/हल्दी पाउडर


  • 100g - Mug dal/मूंग दाल
  • 100g - Rice/चावल
  • 900g - Water/पानी
  • 10g - Salt/नमक
  • 20g - Ghee/घी
  • 1g - Turmeric powder/हल्दी पाउडर


1. Keep tapeli on gas & boil water.
१. तपेली को गैस पर रखें और पानी को उबालें।
2. After boiling water add all ingredients.
२. पानी उबलने के बाद सभी सामग्री डालें।
3. Keep the plate on tapeli with half of the water.
३. टेपेली पर प्लेट को आधे पानी के साथ रखें।
4. After 10-15 min check whether mung dal is cooked or not.
४. १०-१५ मिनट के बाद जांच लें कि मूंग दाल पकी है या नहीं।
5. Serve hot.
५. गर्म - गर्म परोसें।

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